Kingdom of God or Religion part 2

The last time we talked about Jesus being a King and that He is a King of a Kingdom. That was the message he came to bring to the world. However we have turned his message into a religion that we call Christianity. Many people have misinterpreted the bible's message about a relationship that Jesus paid for us to have with God into some form of religion. We have many different kinds of religions in the world, all with the same premise of us trying to be good enough to get to God. God wanted and accomplished getting mankind to come through faith, by sending his Word and wrapping it in flesh and calling him Jesus the Messiah, or Jesus Christ. Religion tells us that we need to keep a set of rules or rituals to please God. God's standard is perfection! Religion or religious rituals sooth our conscious in some ways. Some people say that Christianity (as a religion) is the right religion to get to God. Religion will never give you the peace that Jesus came to bring to the world. Religion...

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Kingdom of God or Religion part 1

This is a series where we will that a look at the Kingdom of God versus Christianity as a religion. We are going to look first at what did Jesus the King come preaching 2K years ago. Many people called Jesus rabbi, and rightly we could. He was and is one of the greatest teachers off all time. However he is not a teacher. When Jesus started his public earthly ministry he submitted to his earthly cousin who was baptizing in the Jordan river people who were looking for the promised Messiah (King) of Israel. A King who would sit on the throne of his father David (Today, many Jewish people and rabbis are still looking for this King). John tells the crowd there is one coming who will baptize them with fire. Then Jesus who is in line waiting to be baptized, and John sees him and says; Behold the  Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. (John 1:29). So now we have a lamb, and a Messiah (King). In John's gospel he says in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God...

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The Waiting Season

 Waiting can sometimes be a time that you dread in your life. I'm here to share how waiting makes you better like a fine wine.

Are you in a waiting season of your life? Is it possible that God is working something marvelous in a secret place. Possibly he is working on your character. He could be working on your motives, or is it wisdom. He wants to boil off every single impurity because there is no way God was going to present to the world an unrefined, unfermented underdeveloped product of you or me.

When it comes to winemaking, the fermentation stage is nothing more than a waiting area for the grapes. They have already been crushed, and now the grapes find themselves in an aspect of the process where there is no pain, so to speak. It’s in that transitory moment of waiting that God is preparing you for the next season. Destruction can come when we want to move too soon, after crushing us, God exercises His grace by allowing us to ferment in the supposed stillness of...

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Who is your Valentine?

Judy is my Valentine and has been for 26 years! She is a woman of God through and through! She is a world changer, in that she loves impacting the marketplace with the Kingdom of God. She has many spiritual daughters who call her mom. I would encourage you to allow her to touch your life just like she has touched so many others. When she came into my life my world was rocked forever. She is tough yet tender, strong and mighty! She will change your world in ways you never thought it was possible. She is a lover of the Word of God and the person of Jesus.

Jesus rocked her world over three decades ago and now she is rocking the world for him and His Kingdom!

To my best friend happy valentines day! To my wife, I love you more today than I did 26 years ago! To the love of my life, roses are for girls like you~ my best friend!



The warrior and woman of God- Judy 




 Love you so much,


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Pruning things out to change and make room for the new in 2019

Change is something that is necessary for growth. We prune our flowers and  the trees to get more fruit or buds from them. You must change or prune somethings out in your life in order to make space for the new God wants to do in your life.  For example, My office is a complete disaster because I'm changing / pruning it to make space for the new thing coming in my life.

I'm encouraging you, to make some changes in your heart, life, business and ministry. Prune / change those things out of your life that are prohibiting growth. God wants to inhabit the new space you will make for him. The pruning process can be hard and painful. Michael Jordan coined the phrase "No pain no gain". However this process is needful in order to see any kind of growth.

It's time to make a change! change is good,  and it can be painful, change comes at us every day, every month, every year even the seasons change. God's mercies are new every morning. When you see a beautiful sunset or sunrise...

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Off to the Races

Here we are running right into 2019, leading our companies, ministries, family and careers. What has the Lord shown you for your family, business or ministry in 2019? As leaders we can tend to look into the rearview mirror of what happened in 2018 the good and the bad. We can look at all of the failures, disappointments, challenges and victories. All of these are now in your past. You have this wide open frontier to conquer and develop in 2019, with it will come challenges to manage, people and systems to develop, and victories to celebrate.

Leadership is not easy! A good leader will inspire and motivate their people, create enthusiasm, find solutions and develop people to be and do all that they can. You will want to earn a fresh level of respect instead of leaning on last years respect. Learn ways to give credit where credit is due. Challenge yourself to go to the next level, I am. There is a time to ask for help, "humility comes before honor" . Don't rest on the victories you had...

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