Off to the Races

Here we are running right into 2019, leading our companies, ministries, family and careers. What has the Lord shown you for your family, business or ministry in 2019? As leaders we can tend to look into the rearview mirror of what happened in 2018 the good and the bad. We can look at all of the failures, disappointments, challenges and victories. All of these are now in your past. You have this wide open frontier to conquer and develop in 2019, with it will come challenges to manage, people and systems to develop, and victories to celebrate.

Leadership is not easy! A good leader will inspire and motivate their people, create enthusiasm, find solutions and develop people to be and do all that they can. You will want to earn a fresh level of respect instead of leaning on last years respect. Learn ways to give credit where credit is due. Challenge yourself to go to the next level, I am. There is a time to ask for help, "humility comes before honor" . Don't rest on the victories you had...

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