Judy is my Valentine and has been for 26 years! She is a woman of God through and through! She is a world changer, in that she loves impacting the marketplace with the Kingdom of God. She has many spiritual daughters who call her mom. I would encourage you to allow her to touch your life just like she has touched so many others. When she came into my life my world was rocked forever. She is tough yet tender, strong and mighty! She will change your world in ways you never thought it was possible. She is a lover of the Word of God and the person of Jesus.
Jesus rocked her world over three decades ago and now she is rocking the world for him and His Kingdom!
To my best friend happy valentines day! To my wife, I love you more today than I did 26 years ago! To the love of my life, roses are for girls like you~ my best friend!
Love you so much,
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